Getting good legal advice is perhaps no more important than when you are facing difficult, high-pressure, publicly visible issues. At Brown & Stedman LLP, our lawyers have built a firm designed to deliver that level of unique representation in a personalized manner throughout the Orange County, Rancho Santa Margarita, California area.
Our firm draws on decades of experience in sophisticated corporate and government legal matters around the globe as well as localized law enforcement issues. Partner Edwin B. Brown has represented clients in large corporate and governmental settings for more than 37 years.
We know how to advise clients with an eye to large scale public eye issues as well as to locally specific practices. We can do that because we understand how people think after years of dealing with them in many varied high-profile circumstances, both in the civil and criminal arenas.
For that reason, clients from TV, movies, politics and other positions of public significance look to us for help when they face important, highly visible problems and seek successful and discrete legal representation. And we do this in a way that protects your privacy and your reputation
Call us at to schedule your free initial consultation with us. You can also reach out to us for help by contacting us online.
We invite you to call us at 949-459-5900 to schedule your free initial consultation. You can also reach our firm by contacting us online.
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