A dream of many foreign nationals is becoming a citizen of the United States by way of California. If you hold a green card holder and wish to apply for citizenship, you must disclose any criminal convictions you have experienced. Not every…
A dream of many foreign nationals is becoming a citizen of the United States by way of California. If you hold a green card holder and wish to apply for citizenship, you must disclose any criminal convictions you have experienced. Not every…
Many individuals want to come to the U.S. to join their family members that are already here. Securing a visa can be an uphill battle or an impossible effort for some, though. One main visa disqualifier is a criminal record. Convictions on…
You might consider business accounting as a game. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) lays down a set of rules. You look for ways to work around those rules. Companies and individuals across the world play this game. Those who are best at…
Marijuana is legal in California for both recreational and medicinal use. Since then, several other states have followed suit. If you’re an immigrant who hopes to obtain permanent residence in the United States, however, what’s legal for everybody else can get you…
If you’re familiar with U.S. immigration law, you may know that the federal government and State of California provide special protections from deportation for immigrants who are the victims of certain serious crimes. They also may extend these protections to the immigrants’…
You’re not a native U.S. citizen. As such, you constantly worry that any little mistake may be grounds for deportation. You don’t want to lose what you have here. You have a good job, you live in a safe community and you’ve…
Immigration dominates headlines in the United States with possible changes in asylum status and ICE’s new program to strengthen immigration enforcement. However, there are many aspects of the immigration process that is still not publicized to the public. For example, a large…
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