To most Costa Mesa, California residents, reasonable suspicion and probable cause sound like the same thing — just worded a bit differently. However, there are legal differences between these two terms that could play a role in whether a police officer has the right…
Marriage between a citizen and non-citizen qualifies the non-U.S. citizen for a prized green card. Because a few people married to get a green card, immigration authorities assume other couples might be doing it for the same reason. So, they will carry…
Families come in all shapes and sizes. Not all couples marry. Not all children who live together share the same two parents. If you want to bring your child to the United States, you need to understand how immigration authorities define children.…
You might consider business accounting as a game. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) lays down a set of rules. You look for ways to work around those rules. Companies and individuals across the world play this game. Those who are best at…
Getting engaged with someone is an exciting time with lots to do. If they live in a different country, finding the right engagement ring may be the least of your worries. Your biggest problem is how to get them to live in…
A Temporary Protected Status (TPS) permits you to stay in the country and work without the threat of deportation. Currently, there are around 400,000 people from 12 countries with a TPS. The problem with a TPS is the government can remove it at any…
Marijuana is legal in California for both recreational and medicinal use. Since then, several other states have followed suit. If you’re an immigrant who hopes to obtain permanent residence in the United States, however, what’s legal for everybody else can get you…
What happens in your home may not stay in your home. If a family member accuses you of domestic violence, you could face all sorts of consequences. One of these could be damaging your chance to remain in the country. Immigration authorities…
Leaving your home country to live in the U.S. can be bittersweet. You can look forward to a brighter future for your children, who have grown up with the right to stay here. Yet, as your parents who stayed home grow older,…
Getting confused about marijuana laws rules could lead to severe penalties. California has legalized recreational marijuana use, yet it still has restrictions. Is there an age restriction on marijuana use? To buy, possess or use marijuana, you need to be at least 21…
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