Moreno Valley White Collar Crime Lawyer

Moreno Valley White Collar Crime Lawyer

Moreno Valley White Collar Crime Attorney

White collar crimes are fairly common but can be very complex to litigate. Navigating the legal complexities after being accused of this crime can be difficult and overwhelming, which is why you need a Moreno Valley white collar crime lawyer on your side. Not only are they prepared to help guide you through all legal proceedings, but they will advocate on your behalf.

Best Moreno Valley White Collar Crime Lawyer

What Constitutes as a White Collar Crime?

White collar crime in the state of California broadly refers to typically non-violent criminal actions motivated by financial gain. As a Moreno Valley criminal defense lawyer, we understand that these cases are often labeled as complex crimes, meaning multiple offenses may be committed simultaneously.

Another label that is often applicable is compound crime, in which one act constitutes two or more felony charges. Some examples of white collar crime include the following:

  • Fraud: There are many kinds of fraud, such as health care fraud, mortgage fraud, and securities fraud. Fraud is when you commit a crime through deception in the pursuit of financial gain. The process can involve making false statements on official documents or purposefully hiding relevant information when making financial transactions.
  • Money laundering: Money laundering occurs when a company accepts funds from sources that they know to be illegal and then processes them through the company under the guise that they’re legitimate sales. This process tends to occur more in cash-based businesses, where business owners accept illegally gained money and create fake transactions to disguise the funds as legal.
    The business owner, known in this situation as the launderer, usually receives some sort of compensation, often financial, for washing the dirty money on behalf of criminals. This crime is often harder for law enforcement to catch on to.
  • Embezzlement: Embezzlement happens when you fraudulently appropriate company money or assets that have been entrusted to you and use them for personal gain. It can lead to internal disciplinary actions, criminal prosecution, or civil claims against the company for business damages.
  • Forgery: Forgery is the falsification of a variety of things, such as signatures, checks, and official documents. It also includes misrepresenting important information in a corporate capacity.
  • Tax matters: Tax fraud occurs when you knowingly report false information to any tax representative. Tax evasion can be counted as either a federal crime or state crime, depending on which taxes are being evaded and may lead to steeper disciplinary action.

Having a Moreno Valley white collar crime lawyer on your side will help you better understand the crime of which you are being accused, as well as assist you through the process. Brown & Stedman LLP, lawyers are prepared to go above and beyond for you in both civil and criminal court.

What Are Some Possible Penalties for White Collar Crimes?

Despite the fact that most white collar crimes are non-violent, the penalty for committing these crimes in Moreno Valley may result in punishment that mirrors that of violent crimes. This is done as a way to reflect the overall cost of the party’s actions, often brought about through deceit and theft. In California, most white collar crimes have the potential to qualify as either misdemeanors or felonies, but the overall cost of the crime may turn the case into a felony prosecution.

Felony-level white collar crime penalties often involve restitution for all victims, paying heavy fines, and even incarceration. Misdemeanor white collar crimes may result in county jail time, whereas felony-level ones may lead to serving time in a state prison.

Civil penalties are also often connected to white collar crimes. Victims may sue an individual to seek compensation for any loss suffered due to the crime that has been committed. Fortunately, the lawyers at Brown & Stedman LLP, are prepared to assist you through these additional civil suits, defending you both in criminal and civil court.

How Can White Collar Crimes Be Proven?

White collar crime is often proven through various forms of documentation. This can include emails you sent, phone calls you made, financial records, contracts, internal reports, surveillance footage, and documentation you signed. While these sources can prove a crime has been committed and account for the parties involved, it can be harder to prove who initiated or agreed to go forward with specific aspects of the crime, especially in complex corporate environments.

It is possible multiple parties are involved, but it may also be a miscommunication or lack of oversight. If you have been wrongfully caught up in a white collar crime, having a knowledgeable lawyer you can trust can make a huge difference in building your defense.

Why You Need a Lawyer

The defense team at Brown & Stedman LLP, is prepared to do a thorough investigation into all aspects of your case. Your lawyer will be sure to listen to your side of things, and advocate for you, as well as determine the right course of action each step of the way.

Having a lawyer from Brown & Stedman LLP, means a one-on-one experience, giving you the prioritization you deserve. Your lawyer will work hard to gather all of the necessary information to build your case.

It is a possibility that you have been wrongfully accused due to misinterpretation, poorly managed records, or miscommunication. If this is the case, we will do everything we can to prove your innocence, preparing your case thoroughly and responsibly. If you have broken the law, our team is prepared to guide you through the plea-bargaining process, which may lead to reduced penalties and sentencing.

Having an experienced Moreno Valley white collar crime lawyer on your side helps you not only through every legal process but the emotional process as well. Complex crimes can cause complex feelings, and the team at Brown & Stedman LLP wants to support you every step of the way.

Schedule a Consultation Today

If you’ve been charged with committing a white collar crime in California, you need legal representation. The sooner you reach out, the sooner the team at Brown & Stedman LLP, will be able to review your case and help you start forming a well-thought-out defense. You do not have to be alone as you face the looming legal process of white collar criminal court. Contact us today for a consultation.

Learn More About What We Can Do To Help

We invite you to call us at 949-459-5900 to schedule your free initial consultation. You can also reach our firm by contacting us online.

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